Brand Designs
Brand Design Policy
Design Brands Using the Following Rules
The basic design for most brands will consist of a combination of characters (letters and numbers) and symbols. Brands that don't meet the requirements of this brand registration policy won’t be registered.
The Brand Recorder will only authorize or approve brands that meet the following design specifications. Any new brand that does not comply with the specifications will not be issued as a working brand, nor may they be used on livestock.
- Any letter of the alphabet can be used in a brand except "Q". The letter "Q" will never be used because of its similarity to an "O".
- The letter "G" can only be used in the reverse position to avoid confusion with the letter "C" (which is never reversed).
- Any numbers except the zero "0" and the one "1" can be used. They are registered as the letters "O" and "I".
- The letter "I" can only be used without a top or bottom line.
- The letter "J" can be used with no top line, to avoid confusion with a "T".
- The design characters "Anchor", "Triangle", "Diamond" and "Box" can be used:
- The letters "B", "D", "E", "F", "K" and "R" can be used in the reverse position.
- The letters "A", "B", "D", "E", "F", "H", "M", "P", "R", "S", "T" and "U" can be used in the lazy left position.
- These letters are allowed as monograms: "A", "B", Reverse "B", "D", Reverse "D", "E", Reverse "E", "F", Reverse "F", "H", "J", "K", Reverse "K, "L", "M", "N", "P", "R", Reverse "R", "U", "W".
- Only one lazy left or reverse character per brand is allowed.
- The symbols "Bar", "Quarter Circle" and "Half Diamond" can be used above or below characters of a brand.
Note: Half Diamonds must have the ends pointing toward the brand characters. The ends of the quarter circle must point away from the brand characters. The running bar "–" can only be used directly in front, behind or between two characters.
The following restrictions are placed on new brand designs:
- Lazy right characters cannot be used in new brands.
- One character inside another, inverted characters, hanging, walking, or flying in a brand. (Left to Right) cannot be used on new brands.
- Inverted (upside down) letters and numbers are not allowed on new brands.
- The running bar with a single character will not be issued for cattle as a new brand.
- Two characters side-by side without a symbol above them or below them will not be used for a new brand.
- Arbitrary signs of intricate design will not be registered except in special circumstances, as in arbitrary and honorary brands.
When applying to register a brand, LIS checks for possible conflicts (similar brands) within a 50-mile radius of where the livestock are located. That is why you are to show on the application where your livestock will be pastured or placed.
Cattle Brand Types
- One character with a symbol above or below
- Two characters, one over the other (without a symbol)
- Two characters, side by side (with a symbol)
- Two characters with a running bar before, after, or between (on the rib position only)
- Two characters (with a straight line, letters only) monogrammed with a symbol above or below or a running bar
- Three characters in a row (on rib position only)
Horse Brand Types
- One character with a symbol above or below
- Two characters, one over the other (without a symbol)
- Two characters, side by side (with a symbol)
- One character with a running bar in front or behind the character
- Two characters (with a straight line, letters only) monogrammed with a symbol