Contact Us
Send us your feedback!
We are always more than happy to receive feedback from our members and the general public! The more we hear from you the better we can service you! Satisfaction is our goal.
Contact Information
Head Office
Livestock Identification Services Ltd.
103-264 Midpark Way S.E.
Calgary AB, Canada T2X 1J6
Toll Free: 1-866-509-2088
Telephone: (403) 509-2088
Fax: (403) 509-2098
Brand Registrar
Livestock Identification Services Ltd.
PO Box 1118
Stettler AB, Canada T0C 2L0
This is a mailing address only, there is no office in Stettler.
Toll Free: 1-866-740-4105
Telephone: (403) 740-4105
Fax: (403) 740-4124
It's important that brand owners keep the Brand Recorder informed of address changes, changes in ownership or deceased person.