Livestock Manifests
Within the Alberta livestock industry, particularly the beef cattle industry, the Livestock Manifest has evolved to become a multipurpose document.
As a Written List of Transported Livestock
The primary purpose of any manifest, including the Alberta Livestock Manifest, is as a written list of the goods being transported. In the case of the Livestock Manifest, it is a written list of the livestock being transported or driven from one location to another. The Livestock Manifest is a legal document that serves to identify:
- the name of the owner of the livestock or the livestock dealer acting on behalf of the owner;
- the place the livestock came from;
- the place the livestock are being taken;
- the person who is authorized to receive the livestock;
- the livestock being transported or driven; and
- the person transporting or driving the livestock.
When the Livestock Manifest is being used for the purpose of transporting or driving livestock, the person completing the
Livestock Manifest will check the box “Transport Only” in Part A of the Livestock Manifest.
As a Document to Initiate a Sales Transaction
Although not a actual bill of sale, through industry custom and use, the Livestock Manifest has become an accepted document to initiate the purchase and sale of livestock and to direct payment of the sale proceeds, particularly at inspection sites such as country sale, livestock markets, provincial abattoirs and packing plants.
When livestock is transported for sale, the person completing the Livestock Manifest must indicate in Part A whether the intended sale is by “owner” or by “a livestock dealer on behalf of the owner”.
As an Inspection Tool
Livestock Manifests are also used by Livestock Inspectors to inspect cattle and horses.
- arriving at an inspection site on a Livestock Permit;
- at a producer’s farm or ranch to issue a Livestock Permit; or
- to do a requested inspection.
These uses of the Livestock Manifest by Livestock Inspectors are for inspection purposes only. In these situations, the livestock is not being transported on the Livestock Manifest. When used for these types of inspections, the Livestock Inspector checks off the “Inspection Only” box in Part A of the Livestock Manifest.
Parts of the Livestock Manifest

There are five Parts to the Alberta Livestock Manifest.
Part A describes the purpose of the manifest and was discussed above.
Part B contains two sections:
- Transportation and Sale Details - The following information must be filled out:
- Date
- Name of the Owner of the livestock or the Dealer acting on behalf of the Owner
- Phone number of the Owner or Dealer
- Address of the Owner or Dealer
- "On account of" - this is the name of the Owner if there is a Dealer acting on behalf of the Owner
- Location of the livestock before transport
- Premises ID number for the location of the livestock before transport
- Reason for transport - one of the boxes must be checked
- If “Transport Only” is checked off in Part A, the
box “Transport to” would be checked off in Part B. - If “Transport for Sale – By Owner” is checked off in Part A, then the owner would check off:
- “Sold to” if the livestock are being transported directly to the purchaser; and
- “Consigned to” if the livestock are being transported to a livestock market or livestock dealer for sale to a third party.
- If “Transport Only” is checked off in Part A, the
- Name of the destination of the livestock
- Address of the destination of the livestock
- Description of the Livestock
- This section of Part B must be completed accurately. What is written here is evidence of what livestock are being transported. The following information must be provided for cattle and horses:
- the number of head of each colour and kind;
- the colour
- the kind of livestock -A description of the cattle and horse "kinds" can be found at back of the Livestock Manifest Book; and
- drawing of the brands and their location on the animal; and
- any other marks of ownership
- The description can be completed by the owner of the livestock, the owner’s agent, or a livestock dealer acting on behalf of the owner.
- When livestock enter an inspection site, the Livestock Inspector checks the livestock against the description on the manifest.
- This section of Part B must be completed accurately. What is written here is evidence of what livestock are being transported. The following information must be provided for cattle and horses:
Part C must be signed by the Owner of the livestock or the Owner's agent. The signature in this Part certifies that the information is Parts A and B are true.
Part D is completed by the Livestock Inspector when a livestock inspection is required.
Part E - Transporter - The person transporting the livestock is required to enter the name of the transporter, the trailer or conveyance number, the transporter's phone number and must sign Part F to acknowledge receipt of the livestock described in Part B.
Part F - Livestock Security Interest Declaration - only required when cattle or horses are sold.
Part G - The person receiving the livestock from the transporter is required to complete Part G by entering:
- the name of the destination - which should match the information in Part B
- the date the livestock are received
- the time the livestock are received
- the number of head received - which should match the information in Part B
- the printed name and signature of the person who received and counted the livestock
- the Premises ID number of the destination site.
Copies of the Livestock Manifest
There are five copies to each Alberta Livestock Manifest.
- The Head Office Copy (white), the Livestock Inspector Copy (blue), the Transporter Copy (green) and the Destination Copy (yellow) must be provided to the transporter and accompany the livestock to their destination. The transporter Part E should be completed before the copies are removed from the manifest book so this information is on the Owner Copy.
- The Owner Copy (pink) is retained by the Owner or the owner's agent as proof of what livestock are being transported.
- After the livestock are delivered and Part G completed by the Destination, the transporter is to retain the green Transporter Copy of the manifest.
- If the livestock are being inspected by LIS, the receiver is to give the Head Office Copy (white), the Livestock Inspector Copy (blue) and the Destination Copy (yellow) to the Livestock Inspector.
- After the inspection, the Livestock Inspector will complete Part D and provide the Destination Copy (yellow) to the operator of the destination.
- The Livestock Inspector will retain the Head Office Copy (white) and the Livestock Inspector Copy (blue). The Head Office copy will be sent into the LIS head office in Calgary.