Client Alert Requests

LIS Authority

Livestock Identification Services Ltd. (LIS) has the authority under section 31 of the Livestock Identification and Commerce Act S.A. 2006 c. L-16.2 (the Act) to detain livestock or allow livestock to be sold and hold the sale proceeds whenever a livestock inspector is not satisfied as to the ownership of the livestock or as to who is entitled to the sale proceeds. 

The authority of LIS to hold livestock or the proceeds from the sale of livestock is set out in sections 33 to 37 of the Act.  Under section 35 of the Act, when LIS is satisfied as to the ownership of the livestock or as to who is entitled to the sale proceeds, as the case may be, LIS will issue a Release in the prescribed form authorizing the delivery of the held livestock or payment of the sale proceeds to the person named in the Release.  

Client Alert Requests

If you have an interest in livestock and believe that the livestock may be transported out of Alberta or sold without your authorization, you may submit a Client Alert Request form.  These forms are available from the LIS Head Office.

A person submitting a Client Alert Request (the Claimant) must satisfy LIS that the Claimant has a valid claim or interest in the livestock that is the subject of the Client Alert. 

If LIS approves a Client Alert Request, LIS may post a Client Alert to notify the Livestock Inspectors of a potential issue with respect to the ownership of the livestock or entitlement to the sale proceeds.  These Client Alerts are posted by LIS as part of the livestock inspection process carried out under the Act.

Inspection Process

LIS will only become involved if the livestock, that are the subject of a Client Alert Request, are presented for inspection – either for a livestock permit for transport out of Alberta or when the livestock enter and inspection site.

If livestock matching the information on the Client Alert is presented to LIS for inspection, LIS will put a hold on the livestock or the sale proceeds, as the case may be, pending verification of the Claimant’s claim or interest in the livestock or the sale proceeds.  

If LIS is not satisfied that the Claimant has a legally enforceable claim or interest in the held livestock or sale proceeds, the livestock or sale proceeds will be released to the person presenting the livestock for inspection.

If LIS is satisfied that the Claimant has a legally enforceable claim or interest, the livestock or the sale proceeds will be held.  The disposition of the held livestock or sale proceeds is subject to the provisions of any agreement of the parties in question, court order and the provisions of the Bank Act, the Personal Property Security Act and the Civil Enforcement Act and the Farm Debt Mediation Act. 

Notice to Owner or Seller

If livestock or sale proceeds are held because of a Client Alert, LIS will issue a Hold Form and arrange for a copy of the “Notice to Seller/Other” (Part D of the Hold Form) to be provided to the owner or seller of the livestock.  The owner or seller has a right to object to the Client Alert and to the hold placed on the livestock or sale proceeds.  The livestock or sale proceeds will not be released to the Claimant until any objection filed by the owner or seller has been resolved by the parties or a decision has been made by LIS.

Client Alert Expiry

Client alerts will be valid for a period of 1-year from the date on the Client Alert Request form.  If a claimant requires the client alert to be extended beyond the 1-year period, it is the claimant’s responsibility to contact LIS before the expiry date to renew the client alert request.  To renew a client alert, the claimant must submit a new client alert form with the associated fee to LIS.

All client alerts will automatically expire on the anniversary date of the request and will be removed by LIS without notice to the claimant.

Withdrawal of Client Alert

If a claimant no longer has any financial interest in the livestock listed in a client alert, the claimant must notify LIS in writing to withdraw the client alert.  Failing to notify LIS that a client alert is no longer applicable, may result in LIS not accepting any future client alerts from a claimant.

Form and Fee for Client Alert Request

Client alert requests and renewals with supporting documentation must be submitted on the prescribed form and be accompanied with the fee of $52.50 (includes GST).

The required supporting documentation refers to a Personal Property Report (PPR) or court document outlining the claimants’ financial interest in the livestock.

LIS Contact

If you have any questions regarding client alerts or if you would like to discuss a submission, please contact us.